Monday, September 1, 2014

I Will Try To Do It!

Today it begins! Measurements and Weight will be tracked every Monday for the month of September and I will be sharing at the end of the month my progress.

I've been up since 5:00 am; and well let's just say I have been planning planning planning.  Tracking tracking tracking.  I tried to make Banana pancakes with 1 banana mashed; 1 egg; scoop of flour; pinch of cinnamon.  Cook them just like pancakes.  GROSS!! Not a big fan.  The kids weren't either.  Daniel, my 3 yr old says "mom, they aren't that bad, but I think you should make some regular pancakes too"

So regular pancakes it was for the kids.  I had a four egg white omelet with one banquet turkey sausage patty cut up into pieces and chopped peppers.  (not the cleanest but pretty close.  Remember I am shooting for 80/20 here) and while I was chopping the peppers for my omelet I decided to chop up the rest of the pepper I had bought and chopped up an onion.  Put it into the freezer, now I have it chopped and ready for me for the week. 

I follow another blog that has a ton of printable and organizing tips; I printed out a monthly lunch planner to sit down with my little guy and plan out his lunches for school for the month. 

I am really excited; not sure what is going to be different about this time around but all ready I have not "picked" at the kids lunch (Mac & Cheese; apple slices and grapes) and I am on my second bottle of water at 1:00pm; definitely better than previous days. Today I want to be at "Yes, I did it!"

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

It's Scary!!!

The more I read on clean eating the less I think that I can give it 100%.

So let's talk about what has worked in the past. WW; WW; oh yeah and WW. It has worked if I just stick with it; and to be honest I feel like I do eat pretty clean when I am following the program.

So I did some grocery shopping based on "clean eating" and $95 later of just produce I didn't feel good about it at all.  So I am making a deal with myself I will try as hard as I can to eat as clean as I can and stick to my WW program.

Here's to 30 days!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Clean Eating...what is it?

I have been toying with the idea of clean eating and wondering if it will work for me.  So I have been looking around on the internet to find out what is "Clean Eating" exactly and I found a blogger who has a 30 day challenge of clean eating and I am hitting it. I feel like if I am going to eat clean I have to be clean is as well, so in addition to clean eating I am challenging myself to be an obedient "Flybaby" and have a clean organized home in 30 days. 

If you haven't heard of the FlyLady please check her out!  She has great tips on how to become a organized clean home maker by simply forming habits that really work; that is if you stick with them.

 September 1st is my starting date; this gives me time to prepare for groceries, plan meals, and be the Flybaby that I have been trying to be. Wish me luck!